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Mary Klein's Poetry

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“The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,

doth glance from heaven to Earth,

from Earth to heaven... (Shakespeare) 

General Poems

Read at Thera and John Bury’s 50th Wedding Anniversary September 3, 1990

Fifty years ago! Can it be true?
Fifty years since they pledged “I do”?
The day was sunny-rather hot;
Perhaps that’s why the groom forgot -THE RINGS!
You can’t get hitched without the things!


A quick trip home. The rings retrieved.
The blushing bride looked quite relieved.
He did not eave her in the lurch
But he did leave her waiting at the church.


“Do you, John take There to be your wife?”
The response was clear: “For all my life”.
The bride responded with her part;
The spoken vows were from the heart.


Take note, there was another there;
Unseen but pure beyond compare.
He was a part of all that day.
A three strand rope does not soon fray.


He’s been the unseen guest at every meal;
The Counselor, Advisor in every deal.
He was there each day when the skies were blue
And present thru’ the rough times, too.


Their house beside the road was shared
With strangers, friends and all who cared.
There was always room for just one more,
At table, in car, in bed or on floor.


Their home was on the noisy side
As four baby boys came to reside
They bro’t joy and laughter in good measure
They grew, excelled and bro’t much pleasure.

A turnabout came to pass;
A girl was born; a comely lass
Much beloved by growing brothers
She charmed them all and many others.


Written after a week of cold, clouds, and rain, May 16, 1985

The was dull and gray today,
My spirit followed suit.
My mind refused to rouse itself,
YOUR VOICE was also mute.

But then the sun broke forth, full, bright!
My spirit rose and sang!
Your Son, too, came forth again
Like joy bells His words rang!

“Come unto me, when weak and tired
I have promised rest.
Fear not, for I am always near,
Just reach out and test.”


A KALEIDOSCOPE, October 2001

A kaleidoscope of gold and green
With autumn reds mixed om between.
What a picture to behold.
It means the air will soon be cold.
For a time it brings a “high”
But winter will come
And bring a sigh.



There’s a hurt in the spot where my heart is
And it’s there ‘cause I’m lonely for you.
A hug, and a kiss, and the sound of your laugh
Would turn my dark skies into blue.



This may look cheap
But it brings a heap
Of best wishes for
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I know this only cost a cent
But there are bills to pay
And also rent -so –
Please accept my wishes true
For the happiest Christmas, for all of you.

It’s quite a walk to the 10¢ counter
And this card cost but a penny.
So may it bring you Yuletide greetings
And the wish that your joys be many.

On other cards some rhyme I wrote
But there’s none to do you justice.
So just accept my hearty wish
For you – A Happy Christmas.



But over that I will not fret
I know you soon became my friend
Of the “tales” we told there was no end!


We shared a passion for quilts (or patching).
There was always something new “ a hatching”.
We both loved to crochet and knit
And spent much time just doing it.


We also shared a zeal for reading.
You probably know where this is leading.
We discussed the Word on many a day
Then bowed our heads to thank and pray


You bedded me and fed me
Then waved me goodbye.
But that “bad penny” returned
To your smile and a “Hi”.


Our friendship has bro’t med untold joy
As the Truth and your faith you do deploy.
May this special day warm your heart
And the precious memories ne’er depart.


DID MARY KNOW?   Spring of 1989

Did Mary know that time so long ago
When the Holy Spirit came upon her
As foretold by Gabriel
That the life which grew within her 
Would pay the price of sin
   For all mankind?


Did Mary know as on that night                        
She cradled Him in a manger bed
That He would comfort many
Who would be led to Him?


Did Mary know as shepherd knelt before Him
And wise men came and worshipped
That many would bear His name
And worship Him in Spirit and in truth?


Did Mary know as she cuddled Him in her arms
And dried His tears and kissed the hurts
That this Son of hers would heal the hurts
Of all who came to Him?

Did Mary know as they fled to Egypt
   And back again
That all His days God would preserve His life
That He might give it up
When His Father called?


Did Mary know as she saw Him grow

And learned to walk and speak her name

That in the fullness of time

His word and power would make the Cripple to walk and the blind to see?

Did Mary know as He worked with Joseph
Sawing, shaping, nailing
That one day those same hands
Would be pierced by nails on purpose?


Did Mary know as troubles grew
And harsh word flowed
That His time was short on earth
To do His Father’s bidding?


Did Mary know as they scourged Him
   And spit upon Him
And nailed Him to the cross
That men would call upon His name
And bless it forever?


Did Mary know at the empty tomb
And when He showed Himself alive
That because He lives
We, too, have the hope of life forever?

Did Mary know that night so long ago
When the Holy Spirit came upon her
   As foretold by Gabriel
That the life that grew within her
Would pay the price of sin for all mankind?


EUREKA,   February 17, 1991

I needs go seeking for my Lord!
He must dwell afar I thought
In a lofty place,
Serene and isolated from the world.
A place of beauty, far from the cares of life.
A place where He and I could be alone
Where no one would venture or intrude,
A heritage where no one comes
To interrupt our tryst.


I found Him!
But not where I was looking.
He was in the laughter of my child!
The embrace of loving arms,
The warm smiles of caring ones
Who comforted my pain,
And in the tender eyes that reflected
His love and grace and peace!


I rest now in Him!
He is all I sought and more!
He brings to me a joy and peace,
A refuge ‘til the storms are o’er.
All that I need, He does provide,
With me He promised to abide.


HE SAID       December 16, 1986

My day grew dark
   As clouds rolled in.
My eyes grew dull
   I dropped my chin.
   He said, “Be of good cheer, my child, I’m near”. (Matthew 14:27)


My friends all left
   My heart was breaking.
My soul was shredded
   With pain and achings.
   He said, “Just trust me, I’ll not forsake thee”. (Joshua 1:5


I’d bundled on
   A load of care.
Its weight was more
   Than I could bear.
   He said, “Put my yoke on, it will soon be gone”. (Matthew 11: 29, 30)


I tried His pathway
   The narrow, straight.
Sometimes I stumbled
   But He would wait.
   He said, “Yes, I will attend, even to the very end”. (Matthew 28:20)



At last my heart
  And soul knew peace.
I laid down my burden
  And found release.
Joy unspeakable fills my soul
  A heavenly mansion is my goal.
  He said, “Where I now abide you also shall reside”. (John 14:2,3)


I CAN DO IT!    December 28, 1998

I can live with half a mind
I prove it every day.
I hear my voice repeating it
In much of what I say.
I’ve half a mind
To run next door.
I’ve half a mind to wait!
My mind keeps on running
Into a long debate!
I’ve half a mind to brew some tea
To soothe the half I have
I’d really hate to lose that too!
OH, NO! What rhymes with have?


ISRAEL, (Genesis 32: 24-28)  (Having power, with God)  October 25, 1969

Jacob grew up,
   A number one sinner.
God changed his heart
   And made him a winner

Can He not then make me,
   With a heart filled with strife,
A new “Israel” creature
   God-centered for life?


“One generation makes known your faithfulness to the next” Isaiah 38:19 LB, May 14, 1996

As mother read the Word
And Daddy led our prayers
Upon our knees we were, beside the bed.
Sleepy eyed but confident that all was well.
   ”Now I lay me down to sleep,
   I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
   If I should die before I wake
   (Please Lord, don’t let that happen)
   I pray the Lord my soul to take.
   (I’m not sure what that means)
   Bless Mommy and Daddy and little sister
   And everybody, AMEN!”


No meal began without a blessing.
No venture started without prayer.
Life’s lessons learned thru’ Holy Scripture
Laid foundations on which to build.
   “You are the Way, the Truth, the Life”               John 14:6
   “You are my God and the Rock of my Salvation”           Psalm 89:26
   “You are my refuge and strength,
   A tested help in times of trouble”.                   Psalm 46:1
   “He who believes in God’s Son has Eternal Life.”           John 3:16
   “Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.”               Romans 10:17
   “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”               Hebrews 13:5b
   “Great is your faithfulness, Lord to me.”               Deuteronomy 7:9
These truths served us well
Tho’ oft my feet would stray
His love prevailed.  
He brought me home again.

​Another time, another home,
Once more the blessed cycle starts.
A hearth established; a son is born
O, Lord, how blessed we are!
  “A gift from your own realm.”                    Psalm 129: 3
A man child to carry on our name and Yours.

The foundation stones are laid once more.
 “The Lord, He is our God”                       Psalm 100:3a
 “There is none like Him.”                       Psalm 86:8
 “He deserves our praise, our gifts.”                  Psalm 145:3
 “Our living sacrifice.”                        Romans 12:1
 “We purpose to serve You.”                       I Corinthians 3:9
 “Glorify Your name and do Your will.”                       Luke 9:23, 24

At time we faltered
But He graciously lifted us once more
And set us on His way.


“With this ring I thee wed”.
Again two become one in His sight.
Two precious babies come to dwell,
Give joy, renew hopes and thrive!
   “The Lord is good His mercies endure forever.”        Psalm 106:1
   “Blessed be the Name of the Lord!”                  Psalm 113:2
   “I will sing unto Him as I have breath.”               Psalm 146:2
   “He is my refuge, strength, and joy.”               Psalm 16:11
   “I will press on to win the prize.”                   Philippians 3:14
   “To sit with Him in the Heavenlies.”                Ephesians 2:6
   “The children of the King are taught,
   “The Holy Spirit filled each heart.                   John 3:5
You are faithful to all generations
Who call upon Your name.


May the legacy never end until
Your coming puts and end to earthly doings.
May we not be found wanting  in Your sight, O, Lord.
May we feast with you in Eternity, Our Lord and our God.



My face in the mirror
Isn’t wrinkled or drawn.
My house isn’t dirty
The cobwebs are gone.
My garden looks lovely
And so does the lawn.
I think I may never
Put my glasses back on.


It’s me again, Lord.                                                
   Wouldn’t You think
   After all we’ve been thru’
That I’d come to You just once
With an “everything’s OK” prayer?
   Well…not today.
   I’m still confused
About so many things…like
   the sorrow,
     the tears,
         the pain…
Human things. You wouldn’t understand
But wait…
You were human, too.
Just long enough to know them all…
The denial
   The garden
      The cross…
Who else but You
Would understand?
It’s me again, Lord.


MY SOUL WAITS FOR THEE, (Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:4, Psalm 130:5-6), October 6, 1987

My soul waits for Thee, O Lord
As darkness of the night ensnares
My troubled, weary heart.
How I long to shed these earthly cares
And know again that perfect peace.
I know that you can bring
To those who trust and wait.


My soul waits for Thee, O Lord
As the watchman waits for morning light;
Quietly in rapt anticipation,
To feel your presence and delight
In knowing that you’re there beside me
Your whispered reassurance in my ear.
Releasing strength within my being
Dispersing doubts, mistrust and fear.


My soul waits for Thee, O Lord.
Again on eagle’s wings I soar,
I run and walk beneath your grace
And worship Him whom I adore.
He hears me when I need Him most
And sit quietly and wait.


OH, REBEL HEART           Matthew 11:28

Oh, rebel heart of mine
   That will not give me rest,
       -nor let me sleep-no rest that
           Bread that does Life give.
Where can I find repose, serenity, be reconciled?


There echoes thru’ the maze
   In accent calm, compelling, irresistible 
       the Voice of Ages reassuring,
“Come unto me, all that are heavy laden
   and I will give you rest”.


POOR PUSSY     December 28, 1999

Mary has a pussy cat
Smokey is his name.
He allows the Kleins to live with them
As long as they proclaim
That he is “Ruler of the House".


He no longer hunts his meal
Nor scares the little mice.
He just orders “Dinner Neow”
And thinks its very nice.


PRAYER                Christmas 1938

Gracious Father, hear my prayer,
As on bended knee I bow.
“Tis not for wealth of gold I ask
To keep me thru’ tomorrow.
But this, dear Lord, just for today
Give me the strength to be
A worthy servant of thy will
And help along life’s way
Some poor, sick soul, whose body
Ill with this world’s woe
Needs a gentle helping hand
To soothe his troubled brow


Give me wisdom, Lord, to show
Some poor starved soul thy face
And let him know thy mercy can
Help him to win life’s race.
And then, dear Lord, of kindness
From thy cup, give me a drop
To make my heart as patient, kind
As Thou, my Lord, has taught.


ROUGH?  TOUGH?  ENOUGH!  October 1985

October 1985

Give it to the Lord
He will afford.

         (Rest in Him)



I don’t care much for shopping;
It requires a lot of walking,
Add to that some gawking
And occasionally some stalking!


So now my choice of pace
Is stay in the parking space
Outside the shopping place
And observe the human race.


In which is great variety;
A crosscut of society.
It lessens my anxiety
And preserves my propriety.



The winter snow has left reluctantly,
Going back from whence it came
Within the womb of Mother Earth.
From this same warm reservoir of life
There springs the harbinger of Spring,
Soft but sturdy, with a quiet beauty,
Which fairly shouts the message
Of the resurrection of life
And reminds us that
For all things there is a season.



O, Lord, what a morning
As the sun begins to rise.
O, Lord, what a morning
As your sweet love opens wide.
As your grace falls full upon me,
As your word stirs in my soul,
O, Lord, what a morning
As your spirit makes me whole.

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